

The Aviation Committee meets to discuss important industry needs and aviation development opportunities for Polk County. Members of the committee include leaders from all Polk airports, aviation industry companies and educators within the aviation sector. 

Community Stakeholders

The Community Stakeholders Committee meets to discuss relevant economic development topics for the competitiveness of the county. Members of the committee are comprised of economic development and municipal leaders from throughout Polk County. 

Competitiveness & Advocacy Committee (C&A) 

In a growing competitive market, Polk County must continually evaluate its offerings, programs and legislative conditions. Examining topics that impact the competitiveness of Polk’s target industries is a collaborative process among business and industry experts. 

Investor Relations Committee 

The CFDC continues to grow private investors and investment at all levels through active engagement and events. Private sector involvement and investment is critical to helping the CFDC achieve its mission of growing a flourishing economy based on high-skill, high-wage sustainable businesses. 

In addition to contributing toward the growth and success of Polk’s economic development, investment in the CFDC reflects a company’s commitment to making Polk Florida’s best place for business. Investors are adding their voices to the conversation through committee partnerships, meetings and events. The Investor Relations committee meets to evaluate investor engagement and involvement. 

Talent Pipeline Committee 

Polk County’s long-term economic position is heavily dependent on the County’s ability to not only develop the talent pipeline needed for emerging industries within the area but also find solutions to retain talent and educate the children of incoming and relocating families.  

The CFDC and Polk Vision have partnered to address critical education priorities for Polk County. Through aligning efforts, these groups can jointly unite private industry, K-12 school administration, the school board, local college and university administration, and educational support organizations. The Talent Pipeline Team meets monthly with the objective of increasing college and career readiness and ultimately enhancing the quality and quantity of the talent pool in Polk County. 

For more information about the CFDC committees, contact Lindsay Zimmerman at