With a strong agricultural background in citrus and phosphate, well-developed infrastructure and logistical expertise, our agribusiness and agritechnology industries are ripe with opportunities for success. From blueberry patches to citrus groves, agribusiness continues to thrive in Polk County’s open fields and warm climate.
The agribusiness and agritechnology industry cluster includes food processing, agricultural support activities, agriculture-related equipment manufacturing and food flavoring.

Many farms like Ben Hill Griffin Inc. and The Story Companies have been operating in Polk County for generations. Five other ag families have been named as Century Pioneer Family Farms for maintaining their operations for at least 100 years. In addition, The Mosaic Co. provides the fertilizer they need to keep crops growing and fields green.
Polk often leads the state in citrus production and total number of citrus acres in production. University of Florida’s Lake Alfred research center is ensuring citrus will continue for years. And The Florida Department of Citrus in Bartow oversees everything orange. From the farm to your table, Polk provides.
Innovation in Agriculture
Citrus Under Protective Screen (CUPS) is an integrated system for growing citrus trees in protective screen houses for fresh fruit production. This new growing system leads to fewer pesticides, better utilization of water, and better fruit quality and taste.

Leading Education Programs

Warner University
Warner’s project-based curriculum provides students with marketable experience through internships, field trips, mentorships, capstone projects and guest lectures led by industry leaders.

Florida Southern College
Florida Southern College features the nation’s only bachelor’s degree specifically in Citrus. Students benefit from classes taught by industry leaders as well as the school’s proximity to the CREC in Lake Alfred.

UF Citrus Research and Education Center
Home to the Florida Department of Citrus, CREC is dedicated to uncovering innovation in the citrus and other agricultural industries. It’s also home to the largest citrus library in the world.

ArrMaz Opens Research & Development Facility
In January 2018, ArrMaz opened its new, state-of-the-art Innovation Center. The completion of the ArrMaz Innovation Center coincided with the company’s 50th anniversary, reinforcing the its ongoing commitment to innovation and to helping its customers succeed.
Featured Employers
In the News

Polk County Farm Bureau Going Strong, Serving the Agricultural Community
February 7, 2023

Polk Schools Prepare Students for Jobs in the Agriculture Industry
March 21, 2022

Agriculture Remains a Vibrant Industry in Polk County
March 11, 2022

National Ag Day 2021
March 23, 2021