Data & Research


Polk County is an economically diverse region, coexistent with the Lakeland-Winter Haven Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The 232,000 households account for $12.8 billion in annual income and $18.7 billion in total economic activity. The Lakeland-Winter Haven MSA was in the top quartile for economic growth.

Polk County Demographic and Market Data

Polk County, Florida is situated along the I-4 corridor in Central Florida between Tampa and Orlando. As a statistical area it is known as the Lakeland-Winter Haven Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).

The following links provide an economic overview of the Polk County, Florida area.

The reports below are prepared by Jim Farrell, Ph.D., CFA, Florida Southern College.

Polk County Industry Data by JOBSEQ

Top Employers

With over 2,000 square miles of diverse landscape, Polk County is a prime location for businesses in manufacturing, logistics, distribution, research & technology, medical services, agriculture, business services and others to call home.

  • Publix Super Markets – 21,618 employees
  • Polk County School Board – 13,500 employees
  • Lakeland Regional Health – 7,865 employees
  • Walmart – 5,523 employees
  • Amazon – 5,500 employees
Esri Community Demographic Profiles

Economic Development Activity Reports

The reports below offer a snapshot of the Central Florida Development Council’s economic development activities undertaken to promote Polk County (Lakeland / Winter Haven Metropolitan Statistical Area / MSA) as Florida’s best place for business, advocate for key business issues, facilitate collaborative partnerships and advance strategic initiatives. The reports detail projects, events, accomplishments and successes of the CFDC, its board of directors and investor members as the organization strives to develop inclusive community prosperity in Polk County.

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