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Celebrating Pete Frantzis of Cyndeo Wealth Partners, the Heart of Investor Relations

October 28, 2024 News

Pete Frantzis has served as the Chair for CFDC’s Investor Relations Committee for many years now. He has impacted positive change during his time. As he now cycles out of this leadership role, he leaves behind a great legacy, and takes with him memories and relationships to cherish.

Frantzis answered quickly when asked what he’s enjoyed the most about being on the leadership team at the Central Florida Development Council. “It’s real simple – absolutely the people,” said Frantzis, the co-founder of Cyndeo Wealth Partners. Cyndeo’s office is based in St. Petersburg, but Frantzis has lived in Lakeland for 26 years.

“The community of people that I have had the joy and honor to work with is amazing. They say I led them, but they didn’t realize they also led me. I just threw out ideas based on a lot of the core values that we built the Cyndeo brand on.” 

Pete and members of the Cyndeo team at this year’s annual meeting.

As head of the Investor Relations committee, Frantzis has met many people. “The relationships I’ve developed, these friendships, will last a long time. I value that very much. They’re amazing, loyal to our community. I’m learning from them – it’s been very rewarding. These are the people and relationships that have impacted my life.”  

CFDC President & CEO Sean Malott said Frantzis is a very caring and giving person.  

“He really wants to help people succeed, and he cares about their success – it’s very genuine,” he said. “When he meets someone, he tries to make a meaningful connection and be a resource for those around him. He wants to be a reliable, trustworthy resource. You don’t have to be a client to get that from Pete.” 

Malott praised Frantzis and two other members who are being termed off the board – Maggie Mariucci and Bart Allen – for prioritizing the CFDC amidst their busy lives. 

Frantzis (left) with fellow CFDC Board members

Frantzis’ Time on the CFDC Board

Pete Frantzis got involved with the CFDC about eight years ago, moving onto the leadership team as Investors Relations chair a year later. 

He wanted to ensure the CFDC offered value to its member investors. “People have to write a check from their business. I didn’t want us to be just another organization that took a check. So, we started conversations on how we could make sure we add value so when they write a check, they don’t do it reluctantly — they don’t even have to think about it.” 

Frantzis said the CFDC adds value, including connectivity, for all members, including himself. When you invest in the CFDC, “You’re investing in your business and in Polk County, with an organization that serves all of the county, not just a city. We wanted to make sure we were connecting investors to brainstorm, do business with each other, partner up on ventures – and all of the above is happening.” 

It even goes beyond that – businesses are learning from one another, he said. “If someone’s business is struggling, they might reach out to a business that’s doing well and ask for help.” 

He was a critical component in suggesting changes to investor meetings. “We’re looking at amazingly talented business leaders who deserved more than a recap of the board meetings. We need to review financials, what we’re working on to develop, but let’s also showcase new investors. We started adding a ribbon to their nametag to signify they are new, and when I was introducing them, we made sure someone took them around to introduce them. That’s immediately connecting them with people.

A recent CFDC Investor Meeting where new investors had the opportunity to introduce themselves during the agenda

“This is a committee of people who are like-minded, who want to help each other. We started doing that and saw growth in members. It all came from the heart and the values I knew worked.” 

Looking Ahead

Frantzis said you can see the growth taking place in Polk when you drive around.  

“We are not a little secret anymore,” he said. “We’ve been recognized as one of the top communities to live in in the country. Look at where we’re at on Interstate 4. This is the place to live.” 

Like others, he’s concerned about “managing and handling growth without compromising what we’ve built. It’s about having the right balance as we grow. We know we have an infrastructure problem. It’s a mess. Rush hours in the morning and evening make it very hard to navigate. We have to make sure we have plans for expansion of infrastructure.” 

Frantzis said current forecasts show Polk County will hit the projected 10-year population number within five years. “We’re growing faster – we see it right before our eyes. My big thing is economically, we’re going to boom. Companies will move here. You can get to Orlando, Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg. There’s a lot more traffic but you can get to those places.” 

Housing is a challenge as well, he said. “Developers can’t find land to build subdivisions. They’re going to Haines City because large tracts of land are hard to find here. We have to manage growth so we don’t lose ourselves in it. Businesses are moving here thanks to Lakeland Linder International Airport, industrial parks and recruiting efforts. But we have to have balance – I can work here, I can live here and raise my family to a better standard and quality of life.” 

Lasting Impact

Frantzis’ time as Chair of Investor Relations has already seen lasting impact. Through his leadership, the experience of investors has improved drastically. Further, it has spurred motivation to reach even more of the community and increase collaboration. The CFDC is beyond grateful for Frantzis’ involvement with the organization, and his passion to better everyone around him.

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