Exporting Call to Action
Companies Interested in Exporting Products or Services
The Central Florida Development Council is looking to identify manufacturers that are interested in exporting products to the Mexican market to supply the south-east region of Mexico, including the Yucatan Peninsula. The project includes identifying the company’s readiness for export, the feasibility of the product to enter foreign markets, and the availability of market support in Mexico.
This effort is being done through a partnership among Polk State College (PSC), the Small Business Development Centers at USF (SBDC), and the Mexico Institute of Technology in Merida, Mexico. PSC students, under the supervision of a class professor and with support from an international business consultant, will develop an actionable Export Marketing Plan (EMP) that can serve the business as a roadmap to enter the foreign market. Additionally, local partners at the State of Yucatan will provide ongoing tools and support to identify potential commercial partners. It is expected that a company representative, such as the marketing manager, will be engaged through the process, including meeting with representatives of a business group from Mexico and attending a 3-4 day trade visit to Merida and the State of Yucatan either this fall or next spring.
For further details, please contact Dr. Joe Perez at jperez@polk.edu or Javier Marin at javier@cfdc.org.