Polk transportation planners seek comments on long-range plan
Polk transportation planners have put together a vision of what the county’s future transportation system could look like and now they’re looking for the public’s reaction.
The plan called Momentum 2040 will be the topic of a meeting 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Winter Haven Public Library, 325 Ave. A NW. Additional meetings are scheduled Oct. 1 at the Lakeland Public Library and Oct. 6 at the Polk County Sheriff’s Office substation on Dunson Road. Times have not been announced.
In addition, Polk County Transportation Planning Organization staffers will have a booth at the Lakeland Hispanic Festival on Oct. 24.
The plan, which can be viewed online at polktpo.com, includes information on planned road, transit and bicycle/pedestrian safety programs.
TPO endorsed the plan, which was last updated in 2010, at its regular meeting today and will consider adopting the plan at its December meeting.
For the full story, click here.
Source: Tom Palmer, The Ledger