Specs for Critically Needed Medical Equipment/Supplies
Florida’s Division of Emergency Management (DEM) is seeking the assistance of Florida manufacturers and suppliers to fill the needs of Florida’s hospitals and emergency care services during the COVID-19 pandemic, including N95 masks, face shields and gowns.
To assist companies willing to consider a shift in production lines in order to fulfill critical needs, the Governor’s office has asked Enterprise Florida’s International Trade & Development to distribute the specs for ventilators, N95 masks and surgical masks.
If any company can produce the critically needed medical supplies, please contact EFI’s Michael Cooney at mcooney@enterpriseflorida.com
- Mfg Portable Ventilators
- Mfg Ventilator
- N95 Respirator Mfg Specs
- Production of Disposable Surgical and Medical Face Masks
- Ventilators Enforcement Guidance
While not an official resource or suitable to fulfill the request from the State, below are links for making your own personal face masks.